Test my app

You are welcome to test this basic frontend website. It is built with Next.js 13 and TailwindCSS. Text for website was mainly produced with ChatGPT.

Idea behind this website

On this site you will see different html components. The website was developed to study basic functionalities of Playwright but you are free to use any testing tool you like.

You can also contribute to the development of this website. Your insights and test results are highly valued and can be shared on the GitHub repository.

Learn to detect buttons

In this section you see different kinds of buttons. Try to detect and click on them with Playwright. You can see some clues on the buttons.

Learn to detect checkboxes

Checkboxes might seem simple at a first glance, but they have quite a rich context and some intriguing aspects. Here are some interesting facts about checkboxes.

New comments : In some cultures or contexts, the checkmark symbol (✓) means "correct" or "yes," while in others, it might mean "no" or "incorrect." While this doesn't directly impact the digital checkbox's function, it's an interesting note on how symbols can have different meanings in different cultures.
TriState Checkboxes : While most checkboxes have two states (checked and unchecked), some GUI environments support a third state, often represented as a square or shaded checkbox. This "indeterminate" state is used when the checkbox's true state is ambiguous or in a "neither checked nor unchecked" state. A common use case is in tree structures, where a parent node with some selected and some unselected child nodes might be in an indeterminate state.
Checkbox vs. Radio Button : They may appear similar, but they have distinct uses. Checkboxes allow for multiple selections, while radio buttons require a single selection within a grouped set. This distinction mirrors real-life scenarios: checkboxes are like choosing toppings on a pizza (you can have more than one), while radio buttons are like choosing a pizza size (small, medium, or large).

Motivators for Software Developers

Motivation factors can vary from one developer to another, but here are ten positive things that commonly motivate software developers

Ways to motivate yourself

Listing 30 ideas to motivate oneself to study Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


  • Goal Setting

    Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your ICT studies.

  • Visual Inspiration

    Create a vision board with pictures and quotes related to your ICT aspirations.

  • Regular Breaks

    Take regular breaks during study sessions to avoid burnout.

  • Reward System

    Set up a reward system for yourself after completing certain milestones.

  • Study Environment

    Create a dedicated, distraction-free study environment.

  • Consistent Routine

    Set a daily or weekly routine for studying to build a habit.

  • Limit Distractions

    Keep distractions like social media at bay during study hours.


  • Study Groups

    Form or join study groups to collaborate and learn together.

  • Tech Meetups

    Attend tech meetups to stay updated and get inspired by industry professionals.

  • Mentorship

    Find a mentor in the ICT field to guide and inspire you.

  • Online Communities

    Join online forums and communities related to ICT topics you`re studying.

  • Networking

    Network with professionals and peers in the ICT domain to gain perspective.

  • Teach Others

    Sharing knowledge helps reinforce your own understanding. Teach peers what you learn.

  • Challenges and Competitions

    Participate in coding challenges and tech competitions.


  • Tutorials and Workshops

    Enroll in hands-on tutorials and workshops to gain practical knowledge.

  • Podcasts and Webinars

    Listen to tech-related podcasts and webinars to gain insights and stay updated.

  • Tech Blogs

    Follow tech blogs to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies.

  • Gamified Learning

    Use gamified platforms to make learning more interactive and fun.

  • Diverse Learning Materials

    Use a mix of books, online courses, videos, and other materials to enrich learning.

  • Real-world Projects

    Work on real-world projects to apply what you learn.

  • Real-life Application

    Relate your studies to real-life applications and scenarios.


  • Success Stories

    Read success stories of people who excelled in the ICT field.

  • Stay Curious

    Always ask questions and seek answers. The tech world is vast and full of wonders.

  • Stay Organized

    Use tools and apps to keep your study schedule and resources organized.

  • Feedback

    Regularly get feedback on your work to understand areas of improvement.

  • Stay Updated

    Technology evolves rapidly. Regularly update your curriculum or resources.

  • Healthy Lifestyle

    A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can enhance your study efficiency.

  • Stay Positive

    Maintain a positive mindset. Every expert was once a beginner.

  • Future Prospects

    Remind yourself of the vast opportunities and prospects in the ICT field to stay motivated.

Learn to detect radio buttons

Quiz centered around website testing

Question about testing
Question about testing
Question about testing